Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Music Magazine :Colour Schemes

Using the results i got from my survey, i picked the most popular answers and used them in a second survey, asking which of the 4 color schemes they preferred. 
The most popular answer was colour scheme was both 1 and 3. I will try with both of these in drafts, then choose which looks best then. 

Music Magazine Production Plan

Date: 7th January 2012
Locations: Areas around March,Cambridgeshire

Equipment: Nikon D3100


Quit to Main Menu:
Emilio Robertson
Keiran Cole
Rory Anthony
Simon Rouse

One foot in the Grave:

Kieran Young


Luke Bradshaw
Stephen Marjoram

Props: Instruments

Costumes: Dark colours, along with colours of the colour scheme

Music Magazine: Draft Text

I needed to choose a name, and font style for the masthead of my magazine. I chose loud, as its a word related to music, and the bold font suited the word. I chose revolution, based on a popular music club that is local, with a tagline relating to music to show that its a music magazine.

I chose these two as possible drafts for my magazine. To see how it applied to my target audience, i asked them to vote on which they preferred. Revolution came out on top, and this is the one I will use for my Magazine.

After looking at the conventions of rock music magazines, I know I need, a bold, clear, in your face type font to fit this.

Example text one is very bold, and clear to read. This could easily be suitable for my magazine.

Example text two is terrible. It looks too  girly and isnt clear, so is no way suitable.

Example text three has the grunge feel, as well as being bold and clear to read, making it suitable.

Example text four is also clear and bold. And could be suitable.

Due to some of the magazines having a mixture of fonts, i think i will use a mixture of font types one three and four

Music Magazine: Research Into Institutions

Due to my Kerrang target audience research, i found out the institution that produces the magazine. I have researched them on the internet, and have found they produce many other magazines such as Closer,Empire,Q, and many other magazines. The company owns other media, such as radio stations and television stations related to some of the magazines.

I found this information about the sales for 'Kerrang'
Single copy subscription sales are 5,523 (5,062 in UK and republic of Ireland) - 01-Jul-2008 to 31-Dec-2008.
Total circulation sales are 52,272 (50,128 in UK and republic of Ireland) - 01-Jul-2008 to 31-Dec-2008.

Kerrang Target Audience Research

I researched into Kerrang, as it seems to be one of the main rock magazines. I managed to find this information including the target audience.

- The target audience is 16-25 year olds and specific towards rock music fans. However in recent years, the age of the audience has dropped and it is more 14-17 year olds who tend to buy and read it due to its featured bands being more poppy. (Elliot Minor, We Are The Ocean, 30 Seconds To Mars etc)

- The publishing company is Bauer Consumer Media (Emap sold 2/3 of the company to Bauer)

- Cover price is £2.20, which is cheap for the target audience (students, young people with low incomes etc..)

- Weekly music magazine of the rock genre.

- First Published June 6th 1981 with Geoff Barton as editor.

- Is famous (and criticised) for repeating the process of discarding bands when new musical trends become popular.

- The Kerrang! empire has it's own awards ceremony, TV music station, Radio station and website.

- The magazine gives out occassional free gifts to satisfy the viewer such as calenders and CD's, however posters are included in every issue.

Music Magazine Survey

Survey Results

I wanted to see what would draw people to a music magazine, what they would expect/prefer to see in the magazine. I created a survey, and asked people to fill it out.  24 people answered the questions.

The aim of this, was to be able to reach a large audience, and be able to collect a large amount of data quickly. By using multiple choice questions, i could put forward ideas i already had, and get people to choose ones they believe to be most suitable. I could find out my target audience and some key information i needed to include due to this. By using open questions, i could get peoples opinions, rather than making them choose from mine. This allowed them to give ideas that i may have not thought of, and show what the target audience is thinking.

The first question i asked was how old are you, as a multiple choice question. This was so i could establish something about the target audience. the most popular answer was 16-20, with 17 results. This will be the age range
I will target with my magazine.

Next i asked if they were male or female, 18 were male, and 6 were female. Though i want to
create a magazine for both genders, this does tell me that most of my answers will be more
appealing to males than females.

I next asked them what music genre they listened to most, giving them options. The top 3
results were rock with 17, metal with 16, and alternative, dubstep and pop punk with 9. I am
going to focus on a rock/ pop punk magazine, as this as a genre i know more about, and also
with rock being the top voted, it is appealing to my target audience.

The next question I asked was if they read music magazines, and if yes, what attracts them to
music magazines as an open question. 6 said no, but others said they were interested in magazines for bands they like, feature articles, free gifts and posters. these are all points to consider when constructing
my magazine.

I asked how much people would be willing to pay for a music magazine as a closed question. 14 said that they would
pay from £2.1 to £3, and this was the most popular answer.

Next i asked what colours people would like to see on a magazine, making it an open question
so that i could get a variety of results. Most suggestions included black and red, and alot of dark
colours. I will consider this when it comes to planning my magazine.

I asked what size font they would like most on a magazine,as a closed question, and medium was the most popular with 18 votes.

I asked what music related image would draw them to a magazine ,as a closed question, as this needs to be considered when taking the photo for my main image . The most popular was an all male band.This should be considered when it comes to casting.

And lastly i asked how many images would they like to see on the front cover,as an open question. The most popular suggestion was a main image, with two or three smaller images.
Im going to use the results, and take them into consideration when it comes to planning and layout. I will take a second survey on which layout they prefer.

Music Magazine Research: Conventions

Looking at the rock magazines as a whole, a few conventions stick out which are repeated through most, if not all of them.


All of them use very bold, in your face fonts, which connote the idea of rock music. This seems to be a must in rock magazines, which is something I will consider and most likely include in my magazine.


Like the typography, the language used is very 'in your face' using aggressive, swearing words, and being demanding. Again this is something i need to consider and possibly include in my magazine.


The colours red, black and white, were used very commonly in the magazines. These are usually associated with, and are used to represent rock music.


The look and casting of the people in the images seemed very important for the cover. Men where shown with long, if not dark hair.  They were shown in the expected colours of black, red, and white, with few variations.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Magazine Research: NME

Rock Magazine Analysis: NME

NME magazine is known for doing different genres, including mainstream, indie, and in
some cases rock. I'm going to look at examples of them representing rock as this is the
genre I'm looking into. Being a slightly different magazine, it will end up being done in
quite a different way to the others i have looked at.



The masthead of NME is done in a very
bold, eye catching font, that is very
strong and in your face, that does
connote rock music. The are only two
different fonts manly used, one a bold
sans serif font, and one a regular serif.
The boldness of the fonts, like the mast
head, make it very in your face and eye
catching. Most of the fonts are done in
white, using red to highlight important
parts, and using the bright pink font to
grab attention straight away. Also, the
pink of the text connotes femininity, as
Hayley williams is one of the most
popular female artists, having made a
massive impact on the music genre. As
the leading lady of the band, she is the
most recognisable member of the band,
and the main person associated with the
band. The pink symbolises her
femininity, but having it in a bold strong font gives her an impact like she has on the ban and
the music scene. This is again, all very in your face and connotes the rock genre.


Due to the route of the eye, the reader is lead to read the mast head first, making this a very
recognisable part of the cover. By using the font used, it shows that the magazine is of a rock
style, so the reader knows what to expect. The colours of red black and white, are strong and
bold, and do connote the rock genre. Due to the colour and boldness of it, one of the first things
noticeable on the magazine is the band name ‘ Paramore’ which leads the reader to look at the
image. Paramore are a very well known pop/punk/rock band, and by making it clear they are
featured in the magazine does connote that it is a rock magazine.
Something used on this cover, that is different to the other magazines is a rhetorical
question. ‘Everyone else has fallen for them. Will you?’ in a way this pressures the reader to
feel they should like the band, as apparently everyone else has. The magazine seems to be
very sure that what they're saying is fact. which doesn't really connote rock music.


The magazine uses the three main colours, red black and white, that are associated with rock
music, making it clear that when you first look at it, that you can take a guess at it being rock
associated and be right. Pink usually symbolises femininity, and it may have been used due to
the fact the lead singer of Paramore is female. But more than anything it just seems to stand
out on the cover. The pink also matches with the pink lipstick worn by Hayley, and the editing
of the photo strongly brings out the green of her eyes. This makes the features more bold and
stunning, and draws the reader to them.


The only image used is a group shot of the band paramore. All of the members are dressed in
black, which once again makes them look like they are a rock band. By having Hayley stood
in front of the male members of the band, it gives her the look of dominance and confidence
that is associated with rock music. Also, this seems to appeal more to a male audience of the
magazine. By bringing her to the front, and not giving as much attention to the male members.
This tries to use her sex appeal to draw in readers. The pink of her lipstick, and the greenness
of her eyes. As the lips and eyes are usually features used for attraction and seduction, by
emphasising these features it fuels her sex appeal.

Mode of Address

The magazine cover aims to reach its target audience, but being very bold an eye catching.
Connoting different things associated with rock music, but on a magazine cover.

Contents Page

Typography and Language.

The contents page uses a mixture of different
sans serif and serif fonts,some regular, some in
bold, and some in italics, which gives it a messy,
mix matched, rock feel. The language is very
informative, as the purpose of the contents page
is to inform the reader of what is going to be
featured within the magazine.


Though there doesn't seem to be a structured lay
out of the contents page, it is consistent, with
every picture having more information about that


The colours, like the front cover, remain consistent
by using black red and white. As these all connote rock music, it does represent this magazine
as being a rock magazine.


A mixture of different shots of bands and celebrities are used, again creating the mis mached,
messy rock look like was created with the fonts. Most of the people photographed are shown in
dark colours, representing them as rock bands.

Mode of Address

The aim of this contents page is to interest its audience of fans of rock music, and to be
informative about the contents of the magazine. It does this by connoting features of rock music,
along with including a lot of information.

Double Page Spread

Typography and Language

Again, like the contents page,
a mix of different fonts in serif,
sans serif, and bold are used
to create the messy rock feel.
Quotations are used to give
the language a more
conversational tone, making
the way its written more

The double page spread is laid out quite clearly and simply, sticking to having the image on
one side and the text on the other. Though unlike other magazines other information has been
included on the side. This means that the page could still hold someones attention who wasn't a
fan of the band something here may still keep there interest.


Though the magazine does still keep some consistency as the white and black is still used, the
red is no longer used and blue seems to be in its place. By doing this it connotes a different
style of rock music is probably being created by the band in the article.


The image shows a group shot of a band, through there costume its clear they are not a heavy
band, possibly a pop punk band. Though showing them in some black shows they are still
slightly rock style.

Magazine Research: Rock Sound

Rock Magazine Analysis: Rock Sound

‘Rock sound’ magazine, like ‘Kerrang’ does try to appeal to most different genres of
music, but a lot of the time, the main genre focused on is Pop punk. Other genres such
as metal and alternative are often featured, but pop punk seems to be more frequent than
other genres.


All time low are a fairly well known pop
punk band, so this cover will be more
focused on a pop punk rock genre than any


The masthead is done in a bold, white, sans
serif font.Because of this it does give it an in
your face feel, which connotes rock music.If a
thin, calligraphy type font had have been used,
a much gentler effect would have been given,
but due to the boldness, and strong look of the
font, but not cracked, this gives off the pop
rock genre, more than a grunge punk vibe. A
mixture of different fonts are used, which make
it feel quite scatty and fun. By doing this it
gives it some unpredictability and variation,
which could suggest that the magazine
appeals to more than just one genre. Using the
thicker bolder fonts to appeal to heavier music
fans, and the smaller, thin fonts to appeal to
lighter music fans. Pop Punk music is usually
quite similar to rock, but usually a lot more
happy and jumpy, despite the meaning behind some of the music. And this is shown through
the typography, using quite fun fonts. By using fonts in both pinks and yellows, this makes it
look quite fun and eye catching, and like i mentioned with the different style fonts, this could
appeal to diffrent genre fans. Yellow is a warning colour, connoting danger, and would appeal
more to heavier music fans, whereas pink, a girly light colour, could appeal more to pop punk


Due to the route of the eye, the reader is drawn to read the mast head first. With the
name ‘Rock sound’ it makes it quite clear of the magazines genre, and due to the font and style
of the mast head, it makes it clear to the reader what type of genre the magazine could be. Just
above the mast head, there is small banner across the top of the magazine. This advertise the
3 band ‘Kids in Glass Houses,Skindred, The King Blues’. By doing this it could gain the reader's
interest, if they are a fan of any of the bands mentioned, opening up to a larger audience. They
are then lead to the image, and cover line reading ’All Time Low’. Again it is made very clear
about who is in the magazine, and as All Time Low are a massive band in the pop punk genre,
this would greatly appeal to any fans of that genre, and would also be familiar to most people
interested in any rock or alternative genre.They are then lead to the list of other bands that are
featured in the magazine. By doing this, if the main band on the cover hasn't appealed to them,
showing other bands may interest them and opens their audience that they are able to appeal
The whole layout of this magazine is incredibly structured and clear. Making it very easy for the
reader to know what is going to be in the magazine.


The language used is mainly the name of the bands included in the magazine, with a few
cover lines for a couple of the articles. Though some of the language used is aimed to be quite
modern, using words such as ‘trashed’ tries to aim at a younger audience. And also using a pun
of ‘Black to the future.’With the mast head, the magazine itself being called ‘Rock sound’, by
using the word ‘Rock’ makes it clear to the reader what its genre is.
To also draw in readers, the mention of a ‘Free Exclusive Architects art print’ is advertised on
the cover. Pretty much everyone enjoys getting things free, so by using the word ‘Free’ it does
gain the reader's interest and could encourage them to buy the magazine.
Unlike other magazines of this genre, Rock Sound uses a much softer lexis, rather than using in
your face language and swearing, the magazine mostly uses band references in order to draw
in it target audience and to appeal to them.


The magazine uses the colours yellow, white and pink/red on this cover. This does vary
between different issues between the magazine as it does not have a specific house colour
style. AS i mentioned earlier, the different colours could be used to appeal to different fans of
different genres, the yellow (connoting warning and danger) appealing more to heavier music
types, and the pink( Much more happy and girly) appealing to softer music types.
All Time low are a pop punk band, ang the pop punk genre is usually quite happy, jumpy,
energetic music, so the colours used do connote this feeling. By doing this it does suggest what
All Time Low could sound like, to someone who sees the magazine and doesn't know about the


The main image on the magazine shows a group shot of the band ‘All Time Low’ They are all
shown in black, which is a colour used to connote rock music. This also stands out against the
red splattered effect background behind the band, which draws attention to them and gives
emphasis to them. They have hairstyles that are usually associated with pop punk music. By
doing this it shows that it is still a rock magazine, but just seems to be on the sub genre of rock
known as pop punk. The two other images show men with black hair, dark makeup, and dark
clothes. These connote rock music, and allowing the magazine to appeal to a larger audience.
The images composition has Alex Gaskarth at the front of the photo. This connotes him as one
of the more important members of the band, and as he is seen as the frontman of the band,
being the lead singer and guitarist, this is a suitable connotation.

Mode of Address

This specific issue of the magazine does try to fit the rock sub genre of pop punk. By doing
this, at first glance, it seems to limit the target audience that it would appeal to. But by including
bands of different sub genres and of rock, it widens the target audience.

Contents Page

Typography and language

The same fonts are used that were used
on the front cover, creating a consistency
and familiarity with the magazine. The
contents page connotes rock more than
the cover did, as some of the language
used is more outrageous. Describing
members of the editing team as ‘Rock
sound slave's quite outrageous, which
connotes rock. A lot of information about
the articles is used, as the main purpose of
a contents page is to inform the reader. By doing two different colors of text, this shows the reader a distinctive difference between the article name and the information about the article.


Simmilar to the cover, the structure of the
layout is quite ordered, making it simple to
read. The route of the eye leads the reader
to read the features column, which is the
most important part in gaining there
attention.All of the main peices of text, such as the features and credits are all placed on line of route of the eye. This means the reader is drawn to the most important parts quickly, and gets the information to them quicker.


The contents page uses the three main colours ,red,black and White, which strongly represent
rock music. After having a cover that strongly connotes pop punk, doing this enlarges the target
audience .By doing two different colors of text, this shows the reader a distinctive difference between the article name and the information about the article. These colors also link to the cover, and then go on to create a running house theme throughout the magazine.


There is a main image of a group shot, and 3 smaller images, a two shot, a full body shot, and
a mid shot. The group shot shows the band, and shows them to represent rock music. Showing
them with long hair, dark clothes, and facial hair, does represent them as a stereotypical rock

Mode of address

The aim of this contents page is to give more information and to reach a large target audience
by including More bands than include on the cover. This attempts to open up to fans of other
bands, and create a larger interest for the magazine.

Double Page Spread

Typography and Language

A completely different font
is used in this, especially
for the Mast head and
quote. It is the same font
that is used for the band ‘A
Day To Remember’ s logo
and merchandise, so by
doing this it creates a
familiarity with the band
that fans would recognise.
It also is quite rough and
grunge looking, which fits
the rock style. The language used again fits the rock style of being outrageous, by using
swearing and modern words such as ‘cool’.


The layout, once again, is very clear, having the text on only one page, and the image and
mast head covering the other.Unlike other double page spreads, the mast Head is in the
bottom right corner rather than the top left, like it is in most magazines, which makes it quite
spontaneous and random.


Other than the image, the only colours used are white and light blue. Both which connote
innocence and coldness, which seems very odd in a rock magazine. The band are a mixture of
pop punk and rock, so the magazine could be using the pop punk style again in this article.


The only image used is a group shot of the band. They are shown in rock related clothes, but
using colour, which connotes a gentle rock look. Having them pulling a pose gives them quite a
fun look, which is connoting pop punk music rather than rock.

Mode of Address

The double page spread tries to address both the rock genre and the sub genre of pop punk.
The band its self, and some of the language and fonts connote rock music specifically. But
other things, such as the set up of the shot and colours, connote something more soft and pop
punk style. By doing this it seems to try and tempt a larger audience to read that part of the

Magazine Research: Kerrang

Rock Magazine Analysis: Kerrang.

The magazine ‘Kerrang’ is used to represent a selection of the different rock music
genres, from pop punk, to grunge, to heavy metal. This varies between the different
magazines, but most issues will try to appeal to each genre in most copies.



The mast head is bold and black which makes it
stand out on the white. The cracked effect on the
writing gives it a grunge feel, which would appeal
to its target audience. All of the fonts are bold in
the cover lines. This makes it seem more in your
face, and bold, which is expected of a rock
magazine. The ‘in your face’ style is also used due
to most of the main cover lines and mast head
being written in all capitals, making it seem if this
was being said instead of written, it would be
shouted giving it an rebellious, slightly intimidating
feel, that connotes rock music. The
word ‘Exclusive’ is written in a messy font again
relating to the rock theme and appealing to its
target audience. Using even bolder fonts on some
words, such as ‘WIll’ and ‘Sexiest’ catch the
readers attention.The fonts are all in either red,
black or white, all of which are colours that
connote the rock culture

Following the route of the eye, the first thing the reader is drawn to is the mast head, and the
band names above this. This would apeal to its target audience as one, it shows some of bands
that are included in the magazine. If the reader saw a band that they were interested in, this
would tempt them to the magazine. And two, the mast head shows the magazine title. This
makes it clear to the reader what magazine it is, and due to the bold and grunge look of the
mast head, this connotes that it is a rock magazine. Also being one of the first things on the
magazine, it makes it something the reader is likely to remember.The route of the eye then
reaches the main image and the cover line of ‘Biffy Clyro’. This again shows the reader a band
that is included in the magazine that might attract them to it. As Biffy Clyro are a rock band, this
also shows that Kerrang is a rock music magazine. The cover line is placed in an eye line hot
spot meaning this is something that the readers attention is mostly drawn to. Then the route of
the eye follows to the two smaller images, advertising the free posters. Offering free posters of
rock celebrities could appeal to some readers. Also, by using two images, this means it could
appeal to a larger audience, as they may like one artist or the other and Using just one image
would limit this. At the termination of the route of the eye, there is another image and article, and
the bar code and price. By placing an article here, it shows one last band that could appeal to
the reader, tempting them to buy it. Also, by placing the price here it means it is the last thing
the reader sees, and the part they are likely to remember.


The language on the cover uses a field specific lexis suited to a rock music magazine. By
using a lot of band names, this means that anyone that is a fan of a wide variety of rock music
will be drawn to this. This is field specific, as someone who listens to a different genre of
music may not have heard of many, if not any of the bands included. The name ‘Kerrang’
itself is onomatopoeia, as it sounds like the noise created from strumming a guitar. This its
self represents rock, as guitars are a main part of rock music. There is a running theme of
life created, both in ‘Life is loud’ and ‘This band will change your life’ By using this repetition
it sticks in your head. by also using the word ‘`Will’ rather than might, this again has quite an
intimidating feel, which connotes rock music . Buzz words are also used to catch the readers
attention. Using ‘Exclusive’ tells the reader that what is written in that article can only be found
in the magazine, making it look like this is the only way they will read it. Also, advertising the
posters as ‘ The SEXIEST women in rock’ would appeal to some of the readers. This makes it
look like these are women that they want to look at. And describing them as sexy, rather than
pretty or nice, gives the magazine the ‘in your face’ appeal again.


The three main colours used on this magazine cover are red, black and white. The colour red
signifies confidence and anger. This suits a rock music magazine as sometimes the music is
quite angry, and the ‘in our face’ style expected of music magazines is fitted with the confidence
represented by red. The colour black is usually used to represent death and power. Though
rock music does’nt directly support the idea of death, some of the sub cultures created from it
do follow the idea, which makes black a suitable colour to represent rock. But due to the black
being contrasted next to white, which is usually connected to goodness and purity, they balance


The main image on the magazine shows the 3 members of Biffy Clyro . Firstly, the band are
shown in the magazines colours of red, black and white. This keeps the running theme of the
magazine. The 3 members do look quite stereotypically rock with beards and long hair. They
are dressed as magicians, which could be relative to one of there songs or videos, which would
appeal to a Biffy Clyro fan. The images if the two female artists are also chosen specifically.
Showing them with dark hair, and pale skin, gives them a gothic appeal. As goth is one culture
that is associated with rock music, it means that this will appeal to readers of that specific
culture. Again, this is similar to the use of the image of Mikey way. His band, My chemical
romance, are associated to the genre known as emo, being known for wearing dark clothes and
being a symbol of the . This means that someone fitting that stereo type could recognise him,
and this could attract them to the magazine. By appealing to the different genres associated
with rock, this appeals to a larger target audience.

Mode of address

The magazine is targeted at listeners of rock music, and it does this by trying to connote the
themes of rock music and cultures related to this. It uses a lot of features that have the ‘in your
face’ confidence that rock music has. It uses a lot of connotations that are related to rock music,
such as the colours, and of course the bands included, in order to reach its target audience.

Contents page

Typography and Language

The mast head of this is done in bold yellow,
and placing it over the black makes it bold and
stand out. All of the text is written in a sans serif
font which is consistent. Due to there being allot
of information on the page using one font makes
it more comfortable to read. There isn't much
using font that seems to connote a rock music
magazine, but this is probably because it is
aimed to include more information rather than
look rock like. But, like the cover, the boldness is
slightly in your face, keeping a running
Language wise, the purpose of the contents
page is to inform the reader, along with keeping
interest. By using swearing, this keeps with the
rebellious idea, that is expected of rock music.
Captions are used to each of the pictures related
to articles. By doing this it sparks a bit more
interest about the article, tempting the reader to read on. By using quotations from bands, this
will also keep the fans of that particular band interested, opening up to a bigger audience
because of this.


Due to the layout of the contents page, the route of the eye is first drawn to the editors piece
with the image of the cover. By doing this it makes it the first thing to catch the readers attention.
This piece gives information about whats included in the magazine, mostly about something
relating to the main image. By doing this it attracts fans of the band to want to buy the magazine
even more. The route then reaches the mast head, making it clear to the reader what part of
the magazine they are reading. The route of the eye then leads the reader to look at the images
realted to main articles in the magazine. By doing this, it again attempts to reach a larger target
audience by using even more bands. At the termination point of the route of the eye, there is an
advert, advertising the opportunity to subscribe to kerrang magazine. By doing this, it is the last
thing the reader will remember of that page, making it more likely they will remember the offer
and be interested in it.


The colours do alter slightly from the front cover, Keeping the white and black, but using yellow
now instead of red. This does create a kind of consistency, with out looking too repetitive.
Yellow is usually used to represent a warning, so again ties in with this rebellious ,in your face,
idea that is associated with rock music.


There are a mixture of 9 images used in the contents page, varying from group shots, to close
ups, to mid shots. By using a variety of different shots rather than all the same, it creates a
messy, mis-matched feel, that again ties in with the rebelliousness that's constantly used in the
Most of the people shown in the pictures fit the sterotypical rock look, of long hair, dark clothes,
and some are shown with instruments. All of which connote the idea of rock.

Mode Of Address

The contents page targets its audience by keeping the rebellious feel of rock music,
representing it using people who fit the rock culture, using abusive rebellious language, and
being quite outrageous and rebellious, in a way of recreating rock music in a magazine format.

Double Page Spread

Typography and Language

The fonts used in this on
the mast head to vary from
that seen in both the
conents page and on the
front cover. A serif font is
used, appearing quite
innocent and feminine, on
the words ‘Dirty Little’. by
doing this it creates a
contrast between them,
and the word ‘secrets’ that
is written in a
grunge,masculine style red
font. It seems to be that
the idea of this is to show the two sides of the band, half as an innocent band that would be
approved of, and half as rebellious rockers. This relates to the purpose of the article. A pun is
also used here, as it is the band confessing there secrets, and the all American rejects released
a song called ‘Dirty Little Secret’ . Anyone without an interest in there music wouldn't
understand this, but the song is well known throughout the rock culture,making it something
exclusively understood by the target audience. Again , an informal language is used, making it
more rebellious to connote the rock style.


Following the route of the eye the reader is lead to read the mast head first. Like said in
language, the mast head is a pun, and anyone who understood this would instantly know who
the article was going to be about. The route of the eye will then lead them to look at the image.
Due to the mise en scene used in this ( see image) it will show readers that might not know
about this band, what they could be like. They are then lead back to the article, that may have
already caught there interest due to the information they have already seen.


There, once again is a slight consistency with the colours used. The colour black remains in all
of the pieces of the magazine that i have looked at, but white has been dropped and just red is
being used along side the black., with some pink used. The pink and red are used to contrast
each other, the pink representing innocence and niceness, whilst the red contrasting against in,
representing aggression and rebellion.


A mix of group shots, and mid shots are used of the band. The main image used is shown in
colour, and due to mise en scene represents them. The band are shown with fairly long hair and
beards, which is commonly expected in rock music. But a fair amount is used in the lead singers
costume, compared to the others. This once again shows this contrast between something nice
( the colours of reds and purples used on the lead singer) against the rebellious (dark colours
shown on the rest of the band) By showing them like this, it shows they are still a rock band,
but not as heavy as other bands, who could be represented in all black, and looking a lot more
aggressive. This will show the reader something to expect about them, as All American rejects
are not that heavy musically.

Mode of Address

The mode of address of this double page spread is slightly different than the cover and contents
page of the magazine. It still trys to connote the rock music style, but due to the article being
specifically on one band, its target audience is condensed, and it appeals more to only them.
Using puns only fans will get, and being more specific on the type of rock music they are trying
to represent.