Sunday, 27 November 2011

Magazine Research: NME

Rock Magazine Analysis: NME

NME magazine is known for doing different genres, including mainstream, indie, and in
some cases rock. I'm going to look at examples of them representing rock as this is the
genre I'm looking into. Being a slightly different magazine, it will end up being done in
quite a different way to the others i have looked at.



The masthead of NME is done in a very
bold, eye catching font, that is very
strong and in your face, that does
connote rock music. The are only two
different fonts manly used, one a bold
sans serif font, and one a regular serif.
The boldness of the fonts, like the mast
head, make it very in your face and eye
catching. Most of the fonts are done in
white, using red to highlight important
parts, and using the bright pink font to
grab attention straight away. Also, the
pink of the text connotes femininity, as
Hayley williams is one of the most
popular female artists, having made a
massive impact on the music genre. As
the leading lady of the band, she is the
most recognisable member of the band,
and the main person associated with the
band. The pink symbolises her
femininity, but having it in a bold strong font gives her an impact like she has on the ban and
the music scene. This is again, all very in your face and connotes the rock genre.


Due to the route of the eye, the reader is lead to read the mast head first, making this a very
recognisable part of the cover. By using the font used, it shows that the magazine is of a rock
style, so the reader knows what to expect. The colours of red black and white, are strong and
bold, and do connote the rock genre. Due to the colour and boldness of it, one of the first things
noticeable on the magazine is the band name ‘ Paramore’ which leads the reader to look at the
image. Paramore are a very well known pop/punk/rock band, and by making it clear they are
featured in the magazine does connote that it is a rock magazine.
Something used on this cover, that is different to the other magazines is a rhetorical
question. ‘Everyone else has fallen for them. Will you?’ in a way this pressures the reader to
feel they should like the band, as apparently everyone else has. The magazine seems to be
very sure that what they're saying is fact. which doesn't really connote rock music.


The magazine uses the three main colours, red black and white, that are associated with rock
music, making it clear that when you first look at it, that you can take a guess at it being rock
associated and be right. Pink usually symbolises femininity, and it may have been used due to
the fact the lead singer of Paramore is female. But more than anything it just seems to stand
out on the cover. The pink also matches with the pink lipstick worn by Hayley, and the editing
of the photo strongly brings out the green of her eyes. This makes the features more bold and
stunning, and draws the reader to them.


The only image used is a group shot of the band paramore. All of the members are dressed in
black, which once again makes them look like they are a rock band. By having Hayley stood
in front of the male members of the band, it gives her the look of dominance and confidence
that is associated with rock music. Also, this seems to appeal more to a male audience of the
magazine. By bringing her to the front, and not giving as much attention to the male members.
This tries to use her sex appeal to draw in readers. The pink of her lipstick, and the greenness
of her eyes. As the lips and eyes are usually features used for attraction and seduction, by
emphasising these features it fuels her sex appeal.

Mode of Address

The magazine cover aims to reach its target audience, but being very bold an eye catching.
Connoting different things associated with rock music, but on a magazine cover.

Contents Page

Typography and Language.

The contents page uses a mixture of different
sans serif and serif fonts,some regular, some in
bold, and some in italics, which gives it a messy,
mix matched, rock feel. The language is very
informative, as the purpose of the contents page
is to inform the reader of what is going to be
featured within the magazine.


Though there doesn't seem to be a structured lay
out of the contents page, it is consistent, with
every picture having more information about that


The colours, like the front cover, remain consistent
by using black red and white. As these all connote rock music, it does represent this magazine
as being a rock magazine.


A mixture of different shots of bands and celebrities are used, again creating the mis mached,
messy rock look like was created with the fonts. Most of the people photographed are shown in
dark colours, representing them as rock bands.

Mode of Address

The aim of this contents page is to interest its audience of fans of rock music, and to be
informative about the contents of the magazine. It does this by connoting features of rock music,
along with including a lot of information.

Double Page Spread

Typography and Language

Again, like the contents page,
a mix of different fonts in serif,
sans serif, and bold are used
to create the messy rock feel.
Quotations are used to give
the language a more
conversational tone, making
the way its written more

The double page spread is laid out quite clearly and simply, sticking to having the image on
one side and the text on the other. Though unlike other magazines other information has been
included on the side. This means that the page could still hold someones attention who wasn't a
fan of the band something here may still keep there interest.


Though the magazine does still keep some consistency as the white and black is still used, the
red is no longer used and blue seems to be in its place. By doing this it connotes a different
style of rock music is probably being created by the band in the article.


The image shows a group shot of a band, through there costume its clear they are not a heavy
band, possibly a pop punk band. Though showing them in some black shows they are still
slightly rock style.

1 comment:

  1. Research into Similar Products: C

    You have completed some sound analysis of music magazine pages. To improve further try to ensure your analysis of each element is detailed for each page you look at, and that you are analysing the effect of font, layout, colour, image, mise-en-scene, and language with reference to specific examples. Consider the effect of cluttered or ordered layouts. Develop your discussion of the mode of address of the magazines - what tone do they have? How is this created through the use of language, fonts, images, and colours? Try to use terms like connotations, connotes, signifies, signifiers, when relevant.

    You now need to summarise what you found out about the conventions and mode of address of music magazines.
