Survey Results
I wanted to see what would draw people to a music magazine, what they would expect/prefer to see in the magazine. I created a survey, and asked people to fill it out. 24 people answered the questions.
The aim of this, was to be able to reach a large audience, and be able to collect a large amount of data quickly. By using multiple choice questions, i could put forward ideas i already had, and get people to choose ones they believe to be most suitable. I could find out my target audience and some key information i needed to include due to this. By using open questions, i could get peoples opinions, rather than making them choose from mine. This allowed them to give ideas that i may have not thought of, and show what the target audience is thinking.
The first question i asked was how old are you, as a multiple choice question. This was so i could establish something about the target audience. the most popular answer was 16-20, with 17 results. This will be the age range
I will target with my magazine.
Next i asked if they were male or female, 18 were male, and 6 were female. Though i want to
create a magazine for both genders, this does tell me that most of my answers will be more
appealing to males than females.
I next asked them what music genre they listened to most, giving them options. The top 3
results were rock with 17, metal with 16, and alternative, dubstep and pop punk with 9. I am
going to focus on a rock/ pop punk magazine, as this as a genre i know more about, and also
with rock being the top voted, it is appealing to my target audience.
The next question I asked was if they read music magazines, and if yes, what attracts them to
music magazines as an open question. 6 said no, but others said they were interested in magazines for bands they like, feature articles, free gifts and posters. these are all points to consider when constructing
my magazine.
I asked how much people would be willing to pay for a music magazine as a closed question. 14 said that they would
pay from £2.1 to £3, and this was the most popular answer.
Next i asked what colours people would like to see on a magazine, making it an open question
so that i could get a variety of results. Most suggestions included black and red, and alot of dark
colours. I will consider this when it comes to planning my magazine.
I asked what size font they would like most on a magazine,as a closed question, and medium was the most popular with 18 votes.
I asked what music related image would draw them to a magazine ,as a closed question, as this needs to be considered when taking the photo for my main image . The most popular was an all male band.This should be considered when it comes to casting.
And lastly i asked how many images would they like to see on the front cover,as an open question. The most popular suggestion was a main image, with two or three smaller images.
Im going to use the results, and take them into consideration when it comes to planning and layout. I will take a second survey on which layout they prefer.