Thursday, 1 March 2012

Double Page Spread: Revolution

Contents Page: Revolution

Front Cover: Revolution


For photos, my main images were taken around March, Cambridgeshire, of Kieran Young, Paul Evans, Daniel Boyle, Daniel Hardy and William Guthrie. The images where taken on a Nikon D3100 DSLR camera. The gig photos taken, of Hildamay, As We Climb, All Time Low, Awake the empire, and Mallory knox, Were taken on a mixture of the Nikon, an Lumix FZ38 Digital, a Fujifilm Finepix, and a iphone 3gs camera. 

Focus Group Questions

I did a general questionnaire, which showed me my target audience, and some features which needed to be included in my magazine. I am going to ask people that come into the target audience ( ages 16 to 20), who are interested into rock music.

1. I have created these 3 draft layouts, one of which i want to use in my music magazine, which do you think is most suitable?

1) The 1st layout

2) The 1st

3) 1st

4) the 2nd

2. Through my research, red,white and black, and blue white and black, were the most popular colour schemes suggested. Which do you think would be most suitable, and why do you think this?

1)umm depending on the kind of music the magazine was focusing on would depend on the best colour scheme in my oppinion, the red white and black to me has more of a rebelious feel too it as it is more focused on dark colours and so would more likely fit rock, punk and music down that sort of line.

2)erm because black, red and white are conventional colours to represesent sophistication and also stand out from a distance so make it noticeable

3)hehe. I think blue white and black would be the most suitable as they are eye catching and bring the brightness out in eachother, whereas if it was red, it would look very dark and eerie

4) blue white and black because I think it will look much beter than red white and black but it depends on like, the shade of blue/red you use..

3. In the survey taken, an all male band was the most popular choice in what people would like to see on a music magazine, do you agree with this? If not, what would you prefer to see and why?

1)an all male band is a perfect choice in my oppinion due to the fact that with all the members being of the same gender it is less likely that one member will attract more attention than others

2) i agree from a girls perspective that it would appeal (if fit   ) but maybe from an overall view... maybe a mixed group? or a current band to attract a mass audience rather than specifying to a certain gender  

3)I think that maybe a mixed gender band would be a good idea to feature in a music magazine as then all desired target audience would relate to them.

4)I think all male bands seem to look better on the front cover but I tend to see more all male bands on them than mixed or all female bands and sometimes its nice for a change

4.  Would a magazine that covers sub genres of rock (pop punk, punk rock, etc) put you off the magazine, or make the magazine more interesting to you?

1)it would make it more interesting to me due to the fact that sub genres are not talked about a lot, so a bit more information on them would allow me to see whether i think it would be my kind of music or not

2) More intresting

3)It would make the magazine more interestin to me, personally.

4)It would make it more interesting because i don't really listen to sub genres of rock very often but it makes me interested in listening to the sub genres

5. Is there anything that would attract you to a magazine more than anything else?

1)posters and free gifts too be honest,
posters mainly as long as they are of interest to me

2)erm quirky designs that arent usually featured to make the magazine unique   ... something out of the ordinary  

3)An interesting headlining article.

4)No not really
but I do tend to be drawn to bold lettering

6. Is there anything that would put you off a magazine more than anything else?

1)anything that was determined to just slag off any bands, slight critisism would be fine but no all out onslaught

2)erm... dark colours, things that blend in to all other magazines

3)Probably an artist that i dislike on the cover

4) Nudity

7. What main article would you most likely to see in a magazine? (Album/concert reviews, band interviews, single band member interviews, etc)

1)band interviews mainly

2)band interviews

3)Probably a band interview

4)Band interviews